If you have ever lived with roommates, you have known the fear of having your food stolen. Living with a roommate stealing your food is a phenomenon many of us…
Is It Okay To Swap Your Slob Of A Roommate?
The problem with living with a slob is that they usually don’t know – or care – that they’re a slob! And, short of finding an ideal roommate based on…
5 Things To Know During The NYC Coronavirus Pandemic
Well, the pandemic in New York is getting worse by the minute. As of March 17th, there were at least 1374 confirmed cases of coronavirus in New York, with over…
Do Late Rent Payments Affect Your Credit Score?
Most NYC renters are familiar with the challenges that come with paying rent on time. In between trying the city’s newest restaurants and rooftop bars, prioritizing our finances can feel…
What To Do If You Don’t Like Your Roommate’s Partner
Sometimes your roommate-and as a result, your roommate problems- comes as a package deal. Maybe they have an untrained pet. Or maybe they have a partner who refuses to leave…
How To Stay Sane When Your Roommate Isn’t Taking Care of Sparky
So, your roommate doesn’t take care of their pets. You love animals, but you don’t love annoying roommates. Whether your roommate is always late paying rent or they don’t take…
What To Do If I Don’t Like My Roommate
We can’t choose our family, but we can choose our roommate. That said, a roommate interview is similar to a first date or a job interview – we put on…
What To Do If My Roommate Snores
Your roommate snores and you can’t sleep? Then you probably might be looking for solutions to make your quality of sleep great again. *wink* And for that, we know you’d…
What To Do If My Roommate Has Bed Bugs
Sharing your home with creepy-crawlies probably hasn’t made the top of your wish list. Pesky bed bugs continue to ignite stressful situations for New York City’s housing department, despite the…