Making eco-friendly lifestyle changes has become an increasingly popular trend over the past few years. From ditching plastic grocery bags to buying reusable water bottles, people all over the world…
How To Create The Perfect Workspace At (Your Rented) Home
Before we get started on how to create the perfect workspace at home, here’s your daily reminder to straighten your back when you work from home. Now, moving on! It’s…
Roomi X HomeLight: How to Turn Your Room into a Part-time Office
More and more of us working from home now! Maybe it’s our regular job or we’re trying to find part-time work to make money online during quarantine. Either way, we…
Falling In Love With Your Roommate? Here’s How To Tell
Cohabitation never felt so homely! Your roommate is your best friend, family, teacher, guide, and safe place when the world around you is going crazy. It’s only natural to feel…
My Roommate Is Sleepwalking And I’m Creeped Out, Help!
You and your roomis love staying up till 3 am watching horror flicks on Netflix, and suddenly when all is dark and quiet, you hear someone talking. You dismiss it…
7 Ways to Save & Make Money in College
College gives you a new sense of freedom that is both exciting and overwhelming. You can do what you want, whenever you want! But let’s face it; college is expensive….
10 Changes Property Managers Should Lookout For Post Covid-19
The spread of COVID-19 continues to have unpredictably adverse impacts across the world. The United States, much like the rest of the world, has suffered an exponential loss. This applies…
Turn Up The Heat With These Virtual Date Ideas This Quarantine
Whether you’re already in a long-distance relationship and currently dating someone or single and swiping away on dating apps, having to self isolate thanks to the pandemic has been especially…
Halloween Food Ideas To Make Your Trick Or Treat-ing Fun!
Halloween is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited. Yes yes, this year has been dreadful, and Halloween 2020 may officially be canceled in your city (for…