So you’re dealing with a smelly roommate like Reddit poster Aflaming_Squirtle? Then you already know how sensitive the issue is. You don’t want to offend your smelly roommate. But you…
Everything You Need To Know About The Stimulus Package For NYC
New Yorkers have been left out of pocket or out of employment as a result of COVID-19. And they are wondering what the federal stimulus package for NYC is. Under…
How To Prevent Coronavirus In NYC When Living With Roommates
2020 hit us with challenge after challenge, and now it’s rolling over the viral outbreak, coronavirus at us in 2021 too. While the scaremongering in the media and across the…
Self-Isolation And Creative Self-Development
Staying indoors for long periods of time can be awfully stressful. Especially in today’s age where we’re all used to our fast-paced life of oversaturation. The lockdowns imposed across the…
My Roommate Is Stealing From Me, Help!
Sharing your living space with someone that isn’t your family, a close friend or significant other can feel risky. Especially if you don’t know him/her very well before you sign…
Is Your Roommate Stealing Your Food?
If you have ever lived with roommates, you have known the fear of having your food stolen. Living with a roommate stealing your food is a phenomenon many of us…
Is It Okay To Swap Your Slob Of A Roommate?
The problem with living with a slob is that they usually don’t know – or care – that they’re a slob! And, short of finding an ideal roommate based on…
5 Things To Know During The NYC Coronavirus Pandemic
Well, the pandemic in New York is getting worse by the minute. As of March 17th, there were at least 1374 confirmed cases of coronavirus in New York, with over…
Do Late Rent Payments Affect Your Credit Score?
Most NYC renters are familiar with the challenges that come with paying rent on time. In between trying the city’s newest restaurants and rooftop bars, prioritizing our finances can feel…