You’ve searched for New York apartments and narrowed your choices with organization, research, and skill. You’ve nailed all the common pitfalls of signing a lease, and you have steely-eyed confidence…
How To Sublease Your Apartment in New York City
The most effective thing to do when you need to sublease your apartment in New York is to remember what it was like when you were searching for an apartment….
How Should Roommates Split Utilities?
Splitting utilities with roommates should no longer be a cause for concern. With so many resources to be utilized, it’s really hard to get it wrong. Here are a few…
3 Best Features In A Roommate Finder
A roommate finder app can be quite a helpful tool in the search when the need for a roommate arises. Here’s everything you should be on the lookout for!
3 Roommate Red Flags
Most everyone has a roommate horror story. Not the “Friday the 13th” type horror but the “eats all of my groceries and is always late on rent” scare. These aren’t…
How To Have Pets With Roommates In NYC
Getting along with a roommate can be challenging at times, even when your personalities do complement each other. Add pets with roommates into the mix and diplomacy can break down…
How Much Rent Should I Expect to Pay in NYC?
What you can expect to pay as rent in NYC is greatly dependent on how much money you make and how much of a sucker you are. JK, income doesn’t…
Should I Get A Roommate In New York City?
That’s a big question to ask yourself. Getting a roommate in New York City will affect your life, finances, sleep cycles, and general state of sanity in every way. Finding…
7 Things To Check Before You Find A Roommate In NYC
Before you invest the time to find a roommate in NYC, put together a list of everything you want to check. Asking lots of questions up front can be time-consuming,…