Roomi is available in the following countries and cities: Czech Republic Prague Switzerland Geneva Switzerland Zurich Switzerland Lausanne Greece Athens-Greece Poland Łódz Poland Warsaw Poland Krakow Austria Leoben Austria Vienna…
Tips On How To Save Money For Everyone
Ever had a sudden thought where you’re like “Where did all my money go?” Well, you’re not alone! This detailed guide will systematically breakdown all essential steps and tips on…
Handling Your Finances: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing
Handling finances is one of those aspects of adult life that no one really formally teaches you about. It’s right up there with other adulting mysteries like filing your taxes…
Bad Credit When Finding An Apartment In NYC? Here’s Help!
Is your bad credit getting in the way of your dream of finding an apartment in NYC? Moving to New York City is a fantasy for many, but this dream…
5 Restaurantes con terraza en CDMX pa’ disfrutar del calorcito
¿El calor te llama como mosquito a la luz hacia una terraza al aire libre? Hay un montón de restaurantes con terraza en CDMX, pero las opciones que te platicamos aquí son las más cool, además de que no te gastarás toda tu quincena en una sentada.
Ciberseguridad para dummies: cuida tus datos personales en redes sociales
Navegamos constantemente en redes sociales con una confianza que a veces pareciera que estamos dejando la puerta abierta de par en par a todo aquel que desee husmear en nuestros datos personales. La seguridad digital es tan importante como la que tenemos al andar en la calle, ¡no la tomes a la ligera!
How To Make A Travel Budget & Stick To It?
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic left us all shook and reconsidering our life choices. However, today most of us are seizing the day and changing our life statuses to YOLO! With…
4 Murales de Diego Rivera en CDMX buenísimos pa’ la selfie
El muralismo mexicano es tan impresionante que se ha ganado un lugar importante en el mundo del arte a nivel global. ¡En CDMX hay murales padrísimos! Te decimos algunos del Diego de Frida que no te puedes perder en tu próximo paseo de bajo presupuesto.
How To Recognize And Get Out Of A Toxic Relationship
The stress caused by a toxic relationship is tough to fathom for somebody who hasn’t experienced one. But chances are, we all have had at least one toxic relationship in…
Your Guide For Shared Apartment In NYC
It’s okay to feel confused on where to start when it comes to shared apartment hunting, especially in NYC. You have all these chaotic stream of questions like “where to…