Isn’t it frustrating to find someone talking behind your back? TBH, this can happen to the best of us. It isn’t easy to live in shared apartments, coliving setting, or…
5 Ways To Save Money For Your Next Vacation
Waiting for the pandemic to end so you can realize all your travel dreams? Start by saving up to fill your vacation funds while you’re at home!
How to Manage Finances When You Share an Apartment
When you share an apartment with someone, you share your life with them. Whether that’s a good thing or bad for you and your roommates, only time will. But for…
Help! I Need Tips on How to Save Money in My 20s!
Your 20s really are a magical time in your life. You’re right in the middle of figuring out who you are, what you want out of life, and not to…
Groceries And Roommates: How To Budget Better!
“Financially stressful” doesn’t even begin to capture what most of our 2020 was like. Over 50 million Americans filed for unemployment since March of 2020, and we’d rather not get…
How To Stick To The Personal Budget You Make
So your new year’s resolution was to learn personal finance, make a budget and stick to it. And you’re finally ready to save some money for the empty travel funds…
Estrenos de pelis que esperamos este 2021
Sabemos que te quedaste con las ganas de ir al cine en 2020, pero las películas de estreno que nos trae el 2021 son tan buenas que habrá valido la pena esperar.
¿Qué onda con el ASMR? Bienvenido al mundo de las delicias auditivas que te harán dormir como bebé
¿Sientes cosquillitas cuando te susurran algo bonito al oído? Esa sensación agradable y electrizante en tu cuerpo se conoce como ASMR, y en redes sociales la comunidad es cada vez más grande y variada. Ponte tus audífonos y checa nuestras recomendaciones de los mejores creadores de contenido de ASMR en YouTube.
Misconceptions About Love That We Should Kiss Goodbye
The truth is that love is one of those things that’s difficult to understand no matter whether you’re 18 or 80. It’s nearly impossible to describe the frustrating-wonderfulness that it…
Looking For An Apartment In New York? Here Are Some Hacks That Will Help You!
So you’ve finally decided to move to NYC! Or maybe you’re moving places because of your annoying roommate, neighbor, landlord, or the ever-increasing prices! No matter what your reason, finding…