As someone who’s not acquainted with living in NYC, you may not realize the city has more to offer than Manhattan and Brooklyn alone. New York is a city rich in history and heritage with each Borough offering a unique flavor. So what exactly is a ‘borough’? Plainly put, a borough is a smaller city within a massive metropolis. And NYC has 5 awesome ones: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan & Staten Island.

So, hop on, fellow travelers, ‘cuz we’re taking you on a trip as your New York Guide, through three of the five boroughs of New York!

Cutesy Map Of New York Boroughs | Credits: SocialShare

Related: The Benefits of Living in NYC in Your 20’s

First stop: The Bronx

Home to music and baseball lovers. This borough encapsulates a rich history and the inception of two of the most cherished and loved experiences in the world today – Hip Hop and Team Yankees! The **Bronx once homed legends and hip hop masters like Grandmaster Flash from Morrisania, DJ Afrika Bambaataa from Bronx River Houses, DJ Kool Herc from the Sedgwick Avenue. These artists and many others played an instrumental role (quite literally) in making the hip hop genre what it is today.

“It is known world-wide for being the cradle of hip hop”, – Elena, Bronx Music Heritage Center.

The borough opens up to hundreds of acres of parkland, historic homes and offers palatable options for people crazy about gourmet meat & cheese and also Italian cuisine.

As your New York guide, we recommend you visit the following places if you’re in the Bronx:

  • The Bronx Zoo
  • Yankee Stadium
  • Pelham Bay Park
  • Bronx Music Center
  • Little Italy

Related: Find Rooms for Rent in Bronx

Second stop: Manhattan

We are now at the most iconic (and most expensive) borough of New York. For instance, the feel and the whimsical magic of skyscrapers, blinding city lights, and famous movie sites will leave you in awe of this borough. Manhattan, most commonly referred to as ‘the city’, is also the business heartland of the USA.

If you look back at NYC’s history, some of the most crucial decisions were made in this borough. Moreover, the tall, untouchable peak of the Empire State Building continues to bring many dreamers to the city that never sleeps. Whether you’re a tourist or someone living in NYC, a visit to Times Square is a must. Especially at night, when the whole city seems to come alive as the billboards light up the central crossing and yellow taxis rush to get people where they need to go.

Fun fact: Broadway was born in Manhattan!

Our top recommendation as your New York Guide while visiting Manhattan are:

  • The Empire State Building
  • Times Square
  • Wall Street
  • Broadway
  • Grand Central Terminal
  • Central Park
  • The High Line
  • Chelsea Market

Related: Find Rooms for Rent in Manhattan, NY

Third stop: Brooklyn

A haven for history buffs and hipsters, Brooklyn has something for everyone. While Manhattan is the epicenter of New York, Brooklyn is an epicenter for people living in NYC. This populous borough draws people in with live music, pro sports, rich heritage, delicious food, majestic places to unwind like Pebble beach, and the infamous Coney Island.

Brooklyn was once an independent city until it merged with NYC in 1898. Today, the borough retains its own artsy style, immigrant history, and multi-ethnic culture. As your New York Guide, allow us to add how awesome and diverse Brooklyn’s palate is. Not only do they have famous cheesecakes at Junior, they also have a large selection of vegan and kosher options – Brooklyn is literalllly every foodie’s dream come true.

Here are our top recommendations to visit as a tourist or even as someone who’s living in NYC:

  • Brooklyn Bridge
  • Prospect Park
  • Coney Island
  • Junior’s famous cheesecake
  • Brooklyn Brewery

In our next installment, we’ll be visiting Staten Island and Queens, so stick with your dedicated New York Guide for more exploring!

Related: Living In NYC: Debunking 5 Common Myths & Stereotypes

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