With Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, you might find yourself looking around your home and deciding it’s time for an update. And what better way to…
Cómo pedir y elegir en el mercado la comida para tu cena de Navidad y de Año Nuevo
Saber escoger lo que compras en el mercado es una life skill de adulto independiente que hará que tu cena navideña sea aún mejor. Sigue estos consejos y te prometemos que no harás el oso.
Why And How Personal Finance Management Helps
The Benefits and Importance of Personal Finance Management Money comes and money goes. That is a basic rule of life as well as personal finance management. If money is transient,…
The Pros & Cons Of Living With Siblings (As Roommates!)
When moving out of your parent’s house, you can consider a plethora of potential roommates. You can live with a friend, your SO, a complete stranger, or your sibling. Believe…
Fun Christmas Tradition Ideas for You and Your Roommate
Thanksgiving is over, which means the Christmas season is finally here! Even though it’s still November, It’s never too early to start getting into the Christmas spirit – even if…
How to Live with a Stressful Roommate
No matter how hard you try and avoid it, it’s almost inevitable that at some point you’ll end up living with stressful people. Some personality clashes are normal and expected…
Consejos para ahorrar en la decoración y muebles de tu depa
Si andas algo roto, pero mueres por hacerle algunos cambios a tu nidito, aquí te enseñamos cómo puedes ahorrar en la decoración y muebles para tu depa.
Movies Filmed In New York City: A Binge-List
The romanticization of New York in movies is a controversial topic. There are those that think the over glorification of the city is unnecessary And yes, there’s no doubt that…
Emerging Fashion Trends: The Pandemic Edition
Fashion is an industry that runs on change – with new trends, styles, and ranges being offered every season. The health crisis we’re facing now is expected to lead to…
Help! My Roommate Isn’t Talking To Me!
A scornful look, the silent treatment, and passive-aggressive responses? Yep! Your roommate is definitely pissed and is probably drifting from you emotionally. Perhaps you were once best of friends –…