In many ways, New York city roommates become family. You celebrate good times together – promotions, engagements and personal goals. You also see each other through the bad times –…
A Guide To NYC’s Subway Trains
Commuting NYC, like a pro, is no big deal. Truly. Sure it seems intimidating at first, given the sheer vastness of the city. But don’t worry, We’ve got a guide…
A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving Winters in New York
Well, it’s winters in New York again. That means the snow covers every surface, getting up in the morning is 100 times worse than usual and everything is gloomy and…
Recovering From The Pandemic: 10 Ways To Live Life To The Fullest
Before we begin, stop and take a deep breath. Straighten your spine and unclench your jaw. Yep, let’s begin. 2020 was the year of a lot of highs and many…
10 Questions First-time Renters Need to Ask Before Moving to NYC
Who doesn’t like the idea of moving to NYC? Empire State Building, Central Park, Broadway- it all sounds so magical! Even spending a day in the city seems like a…
8 Easy and Cheap Bathroom Cleaning Hacks You Wish You Knew Before
We’re all on the same page on this. One of the most unpleasant chores is cleaning the bathroom! Stray hairs, mildew stains, and sometimes worse. But maintaining its cleanliness and…
Movie Marathon Ideas for Cozy Winters with your Roommates
If you’ve ever wandered into the fandom section of the internet then you know that it is intense. The inside jokes, references, costumes, and games look like so much fun…
Fun Virtual Activities To Celebrate The Beginning Of 2021 At Home
It’s the new year already! There’s much to love about leaving 2020 behind, but getting out and about is unfortunately not one of them. Especially with the new strain of…
Cómo hacer amigos cuando eres adulto y forever alone
El 14 de febrero sólo es un buen día para los que tienen parejita. Para los forever alone es solo un recordatorio de que nadie los pela, y probablemente apeste un poco más si los amigos se la pasan con su media naranja. Si ya que se acerca San Valentín te estás dando cuenta de que no tienes amigos, te damos algunos consejos de cómo hacer amigos cuando ya eres adulto.
5 Avances tecnológicos que parecen salidos de Black Mirror
La realidad siempre supera a la ficción, y en cuanto a avances tecnológicos que hemos visto en series o películas futuristas como “Black Mirror”, “Volver al Futuro” o “Los Supersónicos” no hay excepción. Toda esa tecnología ya se encuentra entre nosotros.