It’s the new year already! There’s much to love about leaving 2020 behind, but getting out and about is unfortunately not one of them. Especially with the new strain of…
Cómo hacer amigos cuando eres adulto y forever alone
El 14 de febrero sólo es un buen día para los que tienen parejita. Para los forever alone es solo un recordatorio de que nadie los pela, y probablemente apeste un poco más si los amigos se la pasan con su media naranja. Si ya que se acerca San Valentín te estás dando cuenta de que no tienes amigos, te damos algunos consejos de cómo hacer amigos cuando ya eres adulto.
5 Avances tecnológicos que parecen salidos de Black Mirror
La realidad siempre supera a la ficción, y en cuanto a avances tecnológicos que hemos visto en series o películas futuristas como “Black Mirror”, “Volver al Futuro” o “Los Supersónicos” no hay excepción. Toda esa tecnología ya se encuentra entre nosotros.
Where To Find A Short Term Rental Furnished Apartment In NYC.
New York City has strict short-term rental and Airbnb regulations that ensure leasing hosts share their homes responsibly and maintain affordability throughout the five boroughs, as mentioned in our previous…
Wolf Of Wall Street Lessons To Thrive Financially in NYC
The movie Wolf of Wall Street starring the dynamic Leonardo Dicaprio is a popular cult classic, primarily due to the outrageously true story it tells about the former Wall Street…
Shared Living Space Guide: Rules For Co Living With The Opposite Sex
Co living is tough on its own, but if you decide to co live with someone of the opposite sex, it can be tougher. Even if you’ve co lived with…
6 Must-Have Skills For Individuals Seeking Remote Jobs In 2021
With the pandemic in full-swing, many professionals are looking at remote jobs to sustain themselves. The good news is that opportunities are on the rise for remote jobs. However, the…
A Guide To Using New York’s Ferry: Tickets, Routes & More!
The New York City Ferry System, which started its ferrying in 2017, connects four out of the five boroughs. The ferry system currently has six routes through which it serves…
Coliving 101: Help! My Roommate Is Really Creepy!
Is your coliving buddy giving you the heebie-jeebies and making you question your decision to move in with them? Well, if it is any consolation, there are all sorts of…
What You Should Know About Living With Roommates in College
Beginning college is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. For many, college is the first time living away from home and taking on new responsibilities. Some even learn how to…