Películas navideñas en Netflix hay un montón, pero ¿cuáles son las buenas que no debes perderte? Tenemos una selección buenaza para ti.
Christmas Movies To Catch On Netflix This Year: Part 2
Exhausted the first set of movies we listed and ready to explore more options? You’re in luck because here is the second set of our Christmas Movies on Netflix to…
9 Ideas For Christmas Dinners To Try With Your Co-living Buddies
Planning an intimate Christmas Eve Dinner with co-living buddies? Our easy Christmas cooking recipes will make your table shine & get lazy roomies to work!
7 Best Coffee Shops To Explore In The Upper East Side, NYC
A shared love of coffee is a source of bonding among New Yorkers, regardless of age or background. This becomes all the more apparent on the city’s Upper East Side,…
Rentas, roomies y pandemia: ¿Cómo la están pasando los millennials que comparten departamento en México?
En medio de la pandemia, ¿cómo están viviendo los millennials que comparten departamento? Te contamos lo que descubrimos en la última encuesta que hicimos a nuestros roomies.
The Different Personality Types You’ll Experience as Roommates
Living with roommates can be an awesome experience. A roommate can become a built-in best friend and your go-to confidant. A good roommate is a blessing, but you’re bound to…
Make Use Of These Cleaning Hacks For Your Microwave
The microwave oven is a truly magical appliance that can both heat up and make food. Especially the Netflix binge-er’s best friend – POPCORN – in a minute! They are…
Guide To Renting An Apartment After School: The Pandemic Edition
Are you a college student who is staying at home and taking online classes in the pandemic? As a student, moving out is hard enough. Renting an apartment in the…
The Nice Way to Evict Your Roommate
Living with a roommate isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it’s not possible to get along with everyone – especially when it comes to dealing with them on a day-to-day…
¿Por qué los millennials no queremos hijos? Aquí las ventajas del estilo de vida child free
La decisión de no tener hijos se ha vuelto cada vez más común entre los millennials. Desde las razones económicas hasta las ambientales, aquí te explicamos los principales motivos y ventajas del estilo de vida child free.