We all have our own unique understanding of what success means and who successful people are. Although many of us attribute success to money and fame, the path to success…
Help! My Roommate is the Most Annoying Person on the Planet!
Good roommates make the world go around, while annoying roommates bring out the worst in you. If your annoying roommate is so irritating that you had to surf the internet…
The Real Difference in Co-Living vs. Living With Roommates | Part 3
Feelings towards co-living are growing in popularity – especially amongst newcomers to a big city. And for those who want to save money and don’t want to be locked into…
4 Simple DIY Repairs You Can Do On Your Own
We’ve spent so much time at home; some flaws we’d previously ignored may have started bothering us more these days (like when we’re with our SO for too long). So…
Smart Tips On Splitting Bills With Roommates
Imagine splitting bills with roommates who want to divide the cost of everything down to the dish soap, which they bought for $0.90. Sharing bigger expenses like rent is easier,…
Funny Comics To Read When Your Brain.exe Stops Responding
We all have those days when our brain doesn’t want to cooperate with us. And it almost feels like a crashed/unreadable file that won’t open no matter how many times…
4 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Renter’s Insurance
Maybe you’re leaving home for the first time, or maybe you moved out long ago! You probably still focus on the independent lifestyle you’re constantly creating. What you probably don’t…
Clauses You Must Include In A Roommate Agreement
According to a recent survey, one-in-three U.S. adults have had an adult roommate. Americans are mainly sharing their living space to cut costs. But for many, cohabitating is a necessity, not…
What Essential Items Should I Bring To My New College Dorm?
Going off to college is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. It can be hard to figure out what to bring and what you will actually use while at school….