If you’re a young professional, time management is probably not your strong suit. This means that taking the time out for your hobbies might seem a little insane. After all,…
10 cosas que hacer en el estado de Puebla al menos una vez en la vida
Hay un sinfín de cosas que hacer en Puebla, pero te traemos el Top 10 de experiencias que tienes que hacer al menos una vez en la vida. No importa si apenas vas a mudarte o ya llevas un rato viviendo aquí, no te las puedes perder.
Things To Do In Manhattan, NY With Your Roommates!
New York is an incredible place to live in. It’s even more exciting when you’re living in Manhattan, New York, with a bunch of roommates that share the same interests…
A Beginner’s Guide To Help New Plant Parents Bloom
Decorating with plants has become the quarantine hobby of the year. From seasoned plant moms to novice gardening enthusiasts, home decor is taking an official green turn. The desire to…
Mental Health During COVID-19: Preserving Yourself With Mindful Wellness Habits
Before we begin, we would just like to add that we understand how 2020 was a horrible year for humanity overall. All of us, to some degree or the other,…
Five Work from Home Exercise Routines to Try With Your Roommates
From late-night binging to early morning workout sessions, there’s no better partner-in-crime than your roommate. Especially since most of us now have to work from home, exercise is something that…
Is Your Roommate Doing Ok? How To Recognize Signs Of Anxiety
According to statistics from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America ,Anxiety affects about 40 million adults (18 and above) in the US every year. Those diagnosed with depression are…
Fun Ideas For a Night In With Your Roommates
With the pandemic still a pressing issue in all of our lives, many of us have had to get creative with fun activities to do on the weekends after a…
Traveling with NYC’s Transit System: Part 2
This is all we want to say before you dive into part two of our guide to the NYC Transit System: There are no actual rules to the New York…
How to Resolve Conflicts When You Share an Apartment
When you share an apartment with someone, conflicts are bound to arise. There’s no way to avoid them. It’s one of the less pleasant parts of the whole coliving experience….