It’s a Saturday and you and your roommates are bored out of your wits. There’s nothing that excites any of you on Netflix, and the day just calls for some…
Affordable Furniture Shops To Buy From When Living In NYC
Whether you’re just moving to New York, or have been living in NYC and wish to redecorate without burning a hole in your wallet, you might be on the hunt…
Roomi’s Guide To Senior Home Shares & Having Roommates After 40!
Living with roommates in New York City isn’t just something people in their 20s and 30s do. This is regardless of what mainstream media may have you believe. Based on…
Living In NYC And Sharing An Apartment With A Foreign Roommate
When living with someone, things can get tough, or not, all depending on how well you and your roommates bond. And it’s always a two-way street. No relationship can successfully…
Filing Taxes As A College Student? Here Are Some Things You Must Know!
When it comes to filing your taxes, the whole process seems extremely, * cough * taxing if you don’t have the first clue about how to file taxes. However, with a couple of…
How To Create & Organize Your space While Coliving in NYC
Living in NYC has been a dream for many, and it reminds me of the lines from the song by Frank Sinatra, “I want to wake up in a city…
8 Fascinating Documentaries About New York That Will Give You A Taste Of The Greatest City On Earth
New York! A city so diverse and filled with the nuances of society, that it might be tough for a filmmaker not to be inspired. So while some filmmakers choose…
Home Decor Mood Board That Screams a Fresh Start in 2021
Being stuck inside our homes in 2020 was a challenging experience for us all. However, the new year brings a wave of home decor creativity as we reinvent our homes…
Best Career Books For Success You Need In Your 20’s
Are you in your 20’s looking for career advice books? Here are a few books for success that are a must-read for every twenty-something!
Things To Do In Brooklyn With Your Roommates!
Also known as King’s County, you’ll find the borough of Brooklyn to the East Of Manhattan — shining in all its cultural beauty. We are not kidding when we say…