Stories are often told of two strangers living together and becoming the best of friends. It is said becoming roommates with friends should be avoided to keep what they have….
3 Traits You Should Be Looking For In A Roommate
Having a perfect roommate just isn’t a thing. Doesn’t mean you can’t strive for the best! Big city or small town, it’s important to know where to start when it…
5 Ways to Keep the Peace With Your Roommate
There comes a time between all roommates that causes one to question their own sanity. Some have even considered moving back in with the ‘rents..yes, it’s gotten that bad. Here…
What To Do When Your Roommate is Paying Rent Late
There is nothing more annoying that a roommate who insists on paying the rent late every month. Here’s how you deal with the situation head-on.
How To Find Roommates In NYC
When you set out to find roommates, every aspect of your life hinges on the results of your decision. Sleep. Health. Sanity. Work. It’s all up for grabs. Will you…
How to Resolve a NYC Roommate Fight
You’ve found the perfect pad, at the perfect price, in the city you’ve been dying to live in. Roomi may have helped you score some amazing NYC roommates but conflict…
The Benefits And Conveniences Of A Roommate Finder App
Finding a roommate is hard, but it pales in comparison to the daunting task of getting to know them. Depending on the length of your lease, you may be forking…
Help! My NYC Roommate Is A Slob! What Should I Do
If your NYC roommate is a slob, it can be stressful at best and even evolve into a legit health issue. Especially in New York City, where humidity is higher,…
How To Find A Room In New York City
To find a room in New York City can be a daunting challenge. You could start with an online search using big name sites. But they tend to be a…